Thursday, July 10, 2008

for gabi

There is a dime a dozen...
Then there is one in a million...
But, you are once in a lifetime.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Time and Love

a kid ask God what is the most important thing to give someone...

God answered "TIME" my child....

but why time and not love?

Love you can give that, you can have that, you can share that to anyone....

but with time, you cant stop it or control it, cause you can never bring back the time that has gone by....

so spend your time wisely and cherish it while you still have it......

spend time with your love ones....

cause you never know when your time is OVER!!!!!

missing blessing

the happiest person dont make everything they want...

they make the most out of what they already have...

misery starts when a person looks at the 10% missing and overlook the 90% blessing...

we all have our own share of blessings..

some get them fast, some wait for a long time....

what's important is, it comes at a time we most need it.....

only you yourself know the best....

Another half

until you find the person who completes you....

you would never know that all along...

you are only half of what you were meant to be...

find someone who completes you , your other half, your better half....

someone whom you cant live without and when you find that someone...

DON'T let go....

Never take that someone for granted!

for when you lose that person ...

it will be very hard to live a life having only half of what you were.......................

Monday, June 16, 2008


We may love the wrong person and cry for the wrong reason...

but no matter how things go wrong one thing is sure.....

Mistakes, help us to find the right person for a good reason...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

just a thought

happiness is not an assurance of a happy ending.

nevertheless, the assurance of owning that person until the end too.

sometimes, happiness is the most painful reason why we're getting hurt because behind those smiles is a reality that no matter how happy we are today without any reason at all...................

tomorrow it may ALL change....


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Miss Tan told me this which i find it meaningful

you cant finish a book without closing its chapters...

if you want to move on, then you have to leave the past as you turn the pages...

Love is not destroyed by a single failure or won by a single caress,
its a lifetime venture which we are alway learning, discovering and growing...

the greatest irony of love is letting go when you need to hold on and holding on when you need to let go....

we lose someone we love when we are destined to find someone else who can love us even more than we can love ourselves.......